The Manes and Tails Harness Club has a number of members who have build original horse-drawn vehicles, have built replicas of antique vehicles or have restored antique vehicles. This section of the website will be dedicated to featuring some of the handywork of our members, including tips and procedures.
Special articles written by Manes and Tails Harness Club members for the MTHC website. These articles describe some of their experiences and adventures in the process of building their featured vehicle.
"Painting Tips"
Featuring a Russian Child's sleigh
by Kenn Kopitzke
"Building a Portland Cutter"
by William Ersland
Albany Cutter
Restored and owned by Kenn Kopitzke
Striping by Karen Hanke
Upholstry by Steve Waddell
Sprung Portland Cutter
Restored by Kenn Kopitzke
Owned by Sharon Sarappo |
4-Wheeled Trap
Built by Kenn Kopitzke
Owned by Sharon Sarappo |
Built by Steve Waddell
Owned by George and Kate Dege |
Delivery Bobsleigh
Built by Kenn Kopitzke
Owned by Sharon Sarappo |
Country Cart
Built by Sharon and Wayne Sarappo, Carol Gross & Kenn Kopitzke
Striping by Carol Gross
Owned by Sharon Sarappo |
Draft Bobsleigh
Built and owned by Ken Letourneau |
Democrat Wagon
Built and owned by Ken Letourneau |
Albany Cutter
Restored by Claudia Cavanaugh and Kenn Kopitzke
Owned by Claudia Cavanaugh |
Janesville (Portland) Cutter
Restored and owned by Bill Ersland
Article: Building a Portland Cutter
by William Ersland |