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   Last Updated: 9/5/24


 Home > Events > July Event
Hosted by Bill and Jean Walton

The forecast was for another hot and muggy day for our drive at Waltons, northeast of Hugo. However, there were some clouds and a light breeze that kept the conditions comfortable enough for a nice, relaxing 6-mile drive along gravel roads, passing farms with lush green fields and shade trees that looked more typical for early June than the end of August. Ken’s Shire team and Jerry’s Fjord team carried drivers and passengers brave enough to chance the “hot weather” forecast. An occasional colorful umbrella appeared when the sun came through the clouds. After the drive, the horses were unhitched and Ken’s Shires each received a shower in the yard, providing entertainment for Walton’s mini donkeys. A number of other members showed up for the potluck and the Waltons graciously offered their air-conditioned, walk-out basement for the potluck, so members were able to enjoy their food and conversation in comfort. A total of 13 members attended this event.

Photos by Carol Gross