Manes and Tails Harness Club meets the first Wednesday of each month, except in July, August and December. Our meetings provide opportunity to organize our club drives, host speakers on driving/horse related topics and enjoy refreshments and conversation together. For those who are unable to come to our meetings, our monthly newsletters and our website inform all members of the club’s activities.
Since recreational driving is our common interest, Manes and Tails members gather for club drives once a month, May through October, and a sleighing party in chilly March. These drives are hosted by various club members at their farms or in a nearby park. Arriving just before noon, those with horses and buggies hitch, get a map of the area and prepare to join with other members on the road or trail. Those who come without horses are welcome to ride with folks who have larger vehicles. A pot-luck dinner follows our leisurely drives.
In addition to having fun, the diverse talents in our club make belonging a positive experience. As a group, we train and drive horses of many breeds: minis, Gypsy Vanners, Fjords, Morgans, Quarter horses, Belgians, Percherons and Shires to name a few. The rigs we drive are just as varied. Some drive restored antique buggies and sleighs, some farm wagons and bobsleighs. In other
cases, specially designed carts and sleighs have been built by their owners to accommodate the size of their horses and trailiers or their own physical needs or desires. Various club members work together to produce a finished product. Engineers, woodworkers, upholsterers, and artists all bring their talents to bear on these vehicles.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a member to learn and/or enjoy the pleasure of harness driving, please complete a Liability Waiver and Membership Form below and submit it to the person listed on the form. For additional questions, please feel free to contact any of the club officers.
To learn more about membership in the Manes & Tails Harness Club, you may contact one of our officers.
Liability Waiver and Membership Form